Ferdman Consulting
Supporting leaders & organizations in bringing inclusion to life
We live in a dynamic, diverse, and often paradoxical world.
Ferdman Consulting believes in the power of inclusion to radically improve the way we navigate and experience that world.
Our Approach
Building on decades of experience and scholarship, Ferdman Consulting helps organizations and leaders foster inclusion and benefit from diversity, bring their whole selves to work, develop sustainable and authentic practices for working better together, and increase equity at the individual, group, and systemic levels.
Ultimately, we aim to create a more just and inclusive world where each of us feels valued, heard, fully ourselves, and able to contribute at our best.
How We Work
We work in partnership with you and your organization to customize our services to your specific needs.
We embrace complexity, paradox, and conflict as core aspects of diversity and inclusion, and build your internal capacity to do the same.
We are robust and creative in our interventions, attending to both individual and collective learning and behavior.
What We Do
We equip leaders, teams, and practitioners with specialized tools and knowledge (through resources such as workshops, publications, assessments, online learning platforms) to foster inclusion and to navigate tension, paradox, and conflict effectively.
Combining personalized coaching and a lens of cultural diversity and inclusion, we support leaders and their teams to bring their whole selves to work and to work cohesively, equitably, and in ways that value difference as a resource.
Through the design and implementation of interventions (such as assessment, strategic planning, learning sessions, team-building), we support organizations of every sector to become more inclusive, and more productive as a result.
Who We Are
Dr. Bernardo Ferdman is passionate about helping to create an inclusive world where more of us can be fully ourselves and accomplish our goals and collaborate with others effectively, productively, and authentically.
As a scholar-practitioner with over 35 years of experience working with diverse groups and organizations to increase individual and collective effectiveness and inclusion, Bernardo brings particular depth, curiosity, and enthusiasm to his work. He is an accomplished leadership and organization Development consultant and coach, and has researched, spoken, and written extensively about inclusion, diversity, and multiculturalism. He is a distinguished expert in his field, and grounds his approach in leading scholarship and research. Bernardo has extensive international experience and is a native Spanish speaker.
Dr. Ferdman works with a cadre of experts & strategic partners to support clients. Learn more about him and his associates below.
Interested in learning more about how you and your organization can practice and benefit from inclusion? Do you wonder what inclusion is, why it matters, and how to bring it to life every day? Throughout his 35+ year career, Dr. Ferdman has been a leader in this field, extensively researching, writing, and speaking on these questions .

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